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From blonde braids to brunette lob: Lily James’ hairstyle evolution


From blonde braids to brunette lob: Lily James’ hairstyle evolution

Abandon those Cinderella-style blonde braids, Lily James has given a new twist to her look this summer by showing off a very trendy dark brown lob. Here is a run-down of her hairstyle evolution, from Downton Abbey onwards.

We first got to know her as the restless and curly haired Lady Rose in Downton Abbey, but it was her long honey-blonde locks as Cinderella that made the English rose Lily James iconic and famous all over the world.

A natural brunette, the actress has played her most important roles so far by lightening her natural colour, so it's no wonder that as soon as she finished her promotional commitments for the live-action remake of the most popular Disney princess, Lily literally made a clean cut with the past and restored her brown locks.

In fact, she amazed everyone at San Diego Comic Con this summer with a wavy lob in dark chestnut brown, perfectly in keeping with the hairstyle trends of 2015. “I actually really like being blonde. It's weird," Lily said while announcing that she would take advantage of the end of her commitments for Cinderella to return to her natural hue for a while.

Lily also showed off her new cut and colour on the cover of Flaunt in August, complete with a perfect centre parting as dictated by this season's style. In our gallery, we trace the steps in this hairstyle evolution, from the classic 1920s waves of Lady Rose to golden blonde of Cinderella until the return to the dark that we will also see at the cinema in 2016, in the adaptation of Seth Grahame-Smith's novel Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, in which Lily is the dark-haired and combative Elizabeth Bennet pitted against the zombies of Longbourn and Pemberley. From film to reality, what is your favourite look by Lily James?

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